Fabrice Fiteni
Avocados from Mexico
The versatility of Avocado’s are perfectly displayed in these playful abstract spots for Avocado’s of Mexico. Using 3D animation with a 2D render and graphic backgrounds, the variety of the cast and their personality are brought to life.
Agency: Arnold Worldwide
Executive Creative Directors: Pete Johnson & Wade Devers
Creative Directors: Jose Luis Martinez & Jason Levine
Copywriters: Jeff Vitkun and Imar Oman
Art Directors: Doug Harry and Brit Riley
Agency Producer: William Near
Assistant Producers: David Entin and Daisy Schmitt
Production Company: Nexus
Director: nextdoor
Art Director/Lead: Jack Cunningham
ECD: Christopher O’Reilly
Executive Producers: Julia Parfitt
Producer: Jo Bierton
CG Supervisor: Mark Davies
Illustrator / Designer: Joe Sparrow
CG Animation : Fabrice Fiteni
Sound Design: Brains and Hunch
Music: Sound Fabrika